Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kelly---in her own words...

Here is my story... In the morning I get up and go out in the yard and I love to run and jump around I really love the freedom of my backyard. Then I come in I find my spot which is either on the couch or on the bed and lounge. But when my family goes to work I don't mind going into my crate, I go in all by myself without any problems, (I don't mind it at all.)

Then in the evening I get another spurt of energy and want to play again. Give me a toy and within an hour you will find the innards everywhere. Giver me a rawhide bone and it is gone in 10 minutes or if I don't finish it I will want to bury it outside .
I am a big cuddlier, once I have found my spot in your lap forget it, it's mine. Don't even think about trying to stop petting me because I will find your hand were ever you hide it. Just one look into my big brown eyes and I will melt your heart . I do need a lot of love and attention, I also will take my nose and nudge your hand so you have no choice but to pet me. I am a little insecure and skittish. I will need some training and some patience. With some time and love I will make a wonderful addition to your home. So please take me home.
I also keep my house and my crate very clean and I know that I would keep yours just as clean. Love Kelly